Collect 'em All! Crowdfunder gives away 4 FREE Prints!
HOW TO GET THE PRINTS? You can follow the bouncing ball below (we kinda went as crazy as a squirrel in a nut house here), or after you back the project they're available for only $10 each!
WONDER WOMAN: This is free for all returning backers of any past Kickstarter or Backerkit campaign. Didn't back? We are also giving them to anyone who joined our launch party January 9th.
THOR: This was an earlybird print free for anyone who backed us in the first 48 hours. Thanks so all our backers, we've EXTENDED this print for FREE through Monday, Jan 20th!
BATMAN: This is free for all our PAID PATREON members. Their funding literally buys us groceries, puts gas in our car and keeps Steve in art supplies, so in addition to giving them a free print we're SIGNING their ENTIRE ORDER for FREE! www.patreon.com/steverude
ALICE IN WONDERLAND: This is a POST-CAMPAIGN print that is an option for anyone who completes their survey between February 13-19 so we can quickly get our order to the printer!