Kamandi 8 is a WRAP!
I’ve certainly gotten used to that greeting in the last few months. “Yo” is how Keith Giffen answers his phone every time I called to talk over our recent DC project together. It was Keith who was randomly picked to team up with me, the humble Dude, to supply the story that I would draw for DC’s 8th issue of the Kamandi Challenge series. So far, 5 books in this maxi-series have been released. 3 more to go, folks.
The idea behind this project was to have 12 separate creative teams do their best to channel the Kirby spirit and basically compete against the other teams to deliver the goods. When I saw the list of creative participants, I recognized several top veterans of the field that would part of this competition: Creators such as Neal Adams, Walt Simonson, Dan Jurgens, and Bill Willingham, would all be taking their shot at interpreting Jack Kirby’s original Kamandi series that hit the stands in 1972.
Below is a one-panel sneak from Kamandi Challenge #8 to give you a taste of what’s coming from Giffen and Rude.
Oh, and last night, I saw the new Wonder Woman movie. Best DC movie in years.
More later!
Steve Rude the Dude