Mach Yeager
From Art Director, Graphic Designer to Creative Consultant, Mach Yeager is a designer and college professor in the areas of Game & Graphic Design, Illustration, and Animation production. Among other projects, his client list includes Valvoline, Campbell's Soup, Intel, Sony Entertainment, Blue Diamond, Clorox, Armor All and other fortune 500 companies.
Professional assignments included character design & concept art for Arch Enemy Entertainment & Rocketeer Games. His web comics, “Digger Jones: Adventurer” can be viewed at USAToday and "The Forgotten Faces Series" at Forbes.
A Hot Wheel Redlines fanatic, Mach collects vintage toys. Hobbies include photography, cycling, garage bands and wrenching on his old Corvette. Ace the German shepherd, is a constant companion under the drawing table.