
Steve Rude offers both private and group workshop sessions. In these sessions Rude will proceed to take all the questions and frustrations that you encountered in art and reassemble them into workable and simple answers. That’s the way Rude was taught, and that’s the way he’ll teach you. Rude will proceed to demonstrate his simple-answer methods in paint, before your eyes, and then work with you until you begin to see the simple truth of it for yourself. It’s just that simple.
2-Hour Lesson In Studio
Individual daily lessons start at $100/day for 2 hours of one-on-one instruction.
Small Group 3-Day Weekend Lesson (Currently none scheduled)
Price $1000/student.
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Note: If that weekend doesn’t work for you let me know if another weekend in October does or if you would like to schedule a private 1 on 1 lesson with Steve ($1,000)
This special workshop is also limited to 4 people, so Rude can concentrate solely on your personal needs as an artist.
This will not be a course on how to draw comics, which Steve is mostly known for, but to prepare you to be an Illustrator, using the mediums of paint and pencil to better your skills. The mediums taught will be oil, charcoal, and watercolor, depending on your interest.
Note: Steve is also only taking students that are already trained artists, so please submit your portfolio of current work to be eligible for the class.
The submission needs to be in printable form either jpg or pdf as Steve is unable to review work on the computer. Please pick your best 4-6 pieces of art for submission and email to with the heading "October 2019 Group Workshop Submission"
Once Steve determines that you are ready for the class and he is able to take you to that next level with your art we will send you a registration form and more details
Private 3-Day Weekend Lesson
Private 3 day lessons are for intermediate to advanced students for $5,000 and include 3 full one-on-one days (8-12 hours per day) of customized instruction. Steve will work with you before you arrive to prepare you for the lesson. Most students learn more during a workshop with Steve than they would an entire college semester. Workshops are scheduled at a time convenient for both you and Steve and will cover a topic or topics of your choice!
Please pick your best 4-6 pieces of art for submission and email to with the heading "Private Workshop Workshop Submission". The submission needs to be in printable form either jpg or pdf as Steve is unable to review work on the computer.
NEW! Private Lessons via Email
Steve has been giving lessons via email for awhile. Steve will write up and scan lessons based on your individual needs and email them to you then evaluate what you email back. When you are ready he will prepare another lesson. Each lesson is $100 and will be customized for you.
Please pick your best 4-6 pieces of art for submission and email to with the heading "Email Workshop Workshop Submission". The submission needs to be in printable form either jpg or pdf as Steve is unable to review work on the computer.
Here is an example of an evaluation:
Please include your contact information along with your submission and what you would like to work on. Steve chooses students to work with based on ambition and potential.
Learning from Steve is intense. He offers you every bit of his expertise that you are ready for at that moment. If he sees you apply it, then he takes you to the next level. You must be teachable, open to feedback, and prepared for candid assessments of your work. Remember that the point is to get better and Steve will help you get better. I learned enough in a weekend to keep me busy for years trying to apply it all. But the feedback and instruction were so clear and applicable that I actually think I can do it! Getting such a modern master to invest himself in your artistic progress is priceless!
Mike Jones, Chair, Dept of Art, Hardin-Simmons University
When I was 17 I attended an art institute. I went in with little knowledge of 'the industry' but a deep and sincere passion for art. After 2 years, I was slammed with rules and told my art was not what the industry was calling for. Slowly but surly they ripped my passion away from me. So, with a broken heart, I dropped and for 5 years I could not rekindle that fire and was left with a small void.
I met Steve Rude intending on simply modeling for him, but he would later turn into an extraordinary teacher, and dependable friend. In just a couple months I learned more about art and drawing than in the 2 years I spent in art school. I watched his flawless techniques and felt so welcomed into the world of art. He was incredibly patient with me and freed my mind instead of adding limitations. He is exceptionally thorough and great with explaining every detail of his process. He will not hesitate to help you, if you simply ask. I could not be more thankful to have met, modeled for, and to have been taught by such a devoted, proficient, and brilliant artist like Steve Rude 'The Dude" Aurora O'Brien, Model, Student, Aspiring Artist
When I was struggling to get my start as an illustrator, I had the fortune to meet Steve at a chance encounter at an art school, and it changed my life forever. Steve graciously took me under his wing, inviting me to his home for one-on-one painting lessons. He taught me not just technique, but about staging and composition, how to infuse my work with more emotion and drama.
At one of these sessions, Steve pointed to a list he had taped to his drawing table, that prioritized the elements that go into a good painting. He photocopied it and handed it to me. That beat-up scrap of paper has now been with me through two moves, and to this day is still taped to the top of my drawing board, where I see it (and re-read it) every time I start a new piece.
If you're serious about taking your art to the next level, you owe it yourself to take time to study with Steve Rude.
Scott Anderson, Illustrator
Steve is a marvelous and inspiring teacher. I learned more from him in a week than I did in a year at art school
Kurt Blumberg, Private and workshop student
Steve Rude is a great teacher. He teaches with focus and conviction, and is incredibly generous with his knowledge and energy. His intensity and enthusiasm for drawing and painting are infectious, and he wants you to succeed. You will see results from studying with him.”
Stephen Kloepfer, Instructor, Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA
Steve Rude is a fantastic artist, but also a great teacher - and what separates good from great is the ability to take anybody willing to do the work from point A (a mediocre or good artist) to point B (being a great artist). Steve isn't just a great painter - he has the power to pass that skill to others.
Cutter Hayes, artist, San Diego, CA
Looks like I got more than my moneys worth out of the seminar I took with Steve Rude. It just took some time to figure out how to apply it for me. I have a long long way to go but I feel I'm now on the right path.
Dave Beaty, artist, Prescott, AZ