How to Draw the Animated Nexus (2021) Remastered
How to Draw the Animated Nexus (2021) Remastered
Professional Artist Steve Rude shares his latest How to Draw book based on his traditionally animated promo of his comic, Nexus, done in 2003. See a vast collection of model sheets, storyboarding tips, and original animation layouts of each beloved character from the Nexus comic. Also included are many beginner-friendly drawing tips and techniques for any artist to learn from. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, Rude's straightforward techniques will guide you through every aspect of the creative process, from crafting model sheets to perfecting drawing skills.
This art book reflects Steve Rude's ongoing efforts to bring Nexus to life as a fully animated television series.
- Spiral bound for easy drawing board access.
- Spiral binding in royal blue
- Clear vinyl cover
- Navy blue vinyl back cover,
- Expanded to 110 pages.
The Draw Nexus (2006): How to Tips and Techniques Download has been a great help for me in pre production work. I've been using it especially in how to draw construction mannequins and use it as a guide on how to make model sheets. I definitely recommend it.
Anything drawn by Steve Rude is a must have, glad I added this to my collection.
Steve Rude is that rare artist that can produce beautiful work and show you the tools to create your own. If you're looking for trendy "tips and tricks" you won't find then here. What this great book does offer is a treasure trove of fundamentals that are the foundation of any serious student's work. This book couldn't be any better even if it were written on stone tablets and cast down from Mt.Sinai.
As an art educator in the animation industry, it's rare to find a publication that covers areas that are important to what we do on the production side of things. Steve Rude's "How-to Draw the Animated Nexus" is an exception in that much of what is missing in other material is covered in his book.
For example, not enough attention is paid to character rotations in other how-to books dealing with character design. Rotations are a very important aspect of the design process when preparing for production. They define the look of the character and are used by storyboard artists and animators as a reference for how to draw and stage the character. Rotations are the foundational aspect of character model sheets in animation.
Steve Rude's book is full of character rotations. It's an excellent reference source for artists. In fact, most of the book is fashioned as a pre-production model package and complemented with lessons in the basics of action / adventure character design with various illustrations, vehicle designs, scene layouts, action poses, and is a marvelous showcase for the work of an extraordinary talent.
It's a spiral bound book which makes it handy for placing it flat on your drawing table and would be a fine addition to the collection of animation and comic art connoisseurs.
I would highly recommend "How-to Draw the Animated Nexus" as a must have for all up and coming animation and comic artists as well as art students and professionals in general who are looking to learn something new or just gaining valuable and inspirational content to keep their chops up as well as those who appreciate the distinctive quality of the author's great skills and beautiful work.
Charles Zembillas
The Animation Academy
Draw Nexus (2006): How to Tips and Techniques Download